Tired of "Bill" from Kuwait or "Jane" from Nigeria? Try this!

This page generates fake random e-mail addresses and domains that spambots will try to contact.  

Because they are fake they will be undeliverable and bounce back to the spammer's mailbox, keeping them frustrated with unprofitable email addresses causing them to filter your website from their spambots. 


This page continually generates 1000 fake email addresses with fake domains!

Link to this page from your website for protection because spambots will follow the link and gather the fake addresses frustrating the spammer making your domain unprofitable to them. 

Make your own email page and have people link to it! Set up an entire network of fake email addresses with fake domain names to help make spambots unprofitable. 

Right click and copy the source code of this page and make a new page on your website. 

FAQ: How can I see the fake email addresses?

Scroll down to the 1000 "Email Us" links, right click on one of them,

 select properties to see - Address (url) mailto: aec1c55231@gcbf1gef.com


FAQ: Why not 10,000 fake email addresses? 

The script might lock up most browsers and 1000 undeliverable emails to a spammer will be effective. 


FAQ: Why use a fake domain?

This page uses a fake recipient and fake domain instead of using a real domain because if you offer as a fake address  matt123456789@example.com it will reach example.com and cause a drain of resources while the system checks to see if there is such a user. Not only that, but every point along the internet that was traveled to reach example.com has been used as well. 

A much better choice would be to use ddge411fc@de32gb.com one of 1000 random addresses on this page.